- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-11] Innovations in Genetically Modified Agricultural Technologies in China’s Public Sector: Successes and Challenges
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-10] Economic impacts of commercializing insect-resistant GM maize in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-9] The Economics of Smallholder Rubber Farming in a Mountainous Region of Southwest China: Elevation, Ethnicity, and Risk
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-8] Rubber specialization vs crop diversification: the roles of perceived risks
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-7] Early warning information, farmers’ perceptions of, and adaptations to drought in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-6] Landscape effects on pollinator communities and pollination services in small-holder agroecosyetems
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-5] Understanding recent challenges and new food policy in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-4] Global Footprints of Water and Land Resources through China’s Food Trade
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-3] Food expenditure responses to income/expenditure shocks in rural China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-2] Off-farm employment and agricultural specialization in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-17-1] Growing Water Scarcity under Climate Change and Food Security in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-33] Factors that Influence the Rate and Intensity of Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technologies in Alberta, Canada
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-32] To Board or Not to Board: Evidence from Nutrition, Health and Education Outcomes of Students in Rural China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-31] Are Children with Siblings Really More Vulnerable Than Only Children in Health, Cognition and Non-cognitive Outcomes? Evidence from a Multi-province Dataset in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-30] The Impact of Vocational Schooling on Human Capital Development in Developing Countries: Evidence from China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-29] The Impact of Vocational Teachers on Student Learning in Developing Countries: Does Enterprise Experience Matter?
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-28] Impact of Text Message Reminders on Caregivers’ Adherence to a Home Fortification Program Against Child Anemia in Rural Western China: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-27] Trends and determinants of rural residential solid waste collection services in China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-26] Correlation Between New Cooperative Medical Scheme Policy Design and Catastrophic Medical Payment: Evidence From 25 Counties in Rural China
- 2018-01-22 [EJ-16-25] More is not always better: evidence from a randomised experiment of computer-assisted learning in rural minority schools in Qinghai