- 2010-02-04 [EJ-09-18]Changes in Trade and Domestic Distortions Affecting China’s Agriculture
- 2010-02-04 [BJ-09-17]Linking Small Scale Farmers in China with the International Markets: A Case of Apple Export Chains
- 2009-08-25 [EJ-09-16]Biofuels and the Greater Mekong Subregion: Assessing the Impact on Prices, Production and Trade
- 2009-08-25 [EJ-09-15]The Evolution of Groundwater Governance: Productivity, Equity and Changes in the Level of China's Aquifers
- 2009-08-25 [EJ-09-14]Education management and Performance After Rural Education Finance Reform--Evidence from Western China
- 2009-07-03 [EJ-09-13]Health Insurance and Catastrophic Illness: A Report on the New Cooperative Medical System in Rural China
- 2010-02-09 [EJ-09-12]Agricultural Extension System Reform and Agent Time Allocation in China
- 2009-07-06 [EJ-09-11]Moving off the Farm and Intensifying Agricultural Production in Shandong: A Case Study of Rural Labor Market Linkages in China
- 2009-05-19 [EJ-09-10]Impact of High Temperature at Flowering on Midseason Rice Yield
- 2009-05-19 [EJ-09-9]The Structure and Reform of Rural Finance in China
- 2010-02-09 [EJ-09-8]The Impact of Climate Change on China’s Agriculture
- 2009-07-06 [EJ-09-7]Reforming Intellectual Property Rights and the Bt Cotton Seed Industry in China: Who Benefits from Policy Reform?
- 2009-07-06 [EJ-09-6]Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: is Quality Being Compromised During Quantity Expansion?
- 2009-05-19 [EJ-09-5]A Gendered View of Reforming Health Care Access for Farmers in China
- 2009-03-09 [EJ-09-4]Bt Cotton in China: Are Secondary Insect Infestations Offsetting the Benefits in Farmer Fields?
- 2009-07-06 [EJ-09-3]Understanding the Water Crisis in Northern China: What the Government and Farmers are Doing
- 2009-07-06 [EJ-09-2]Trading Land Development Rights under a planned Land Use System: The “Zhejiang Model” and Its national Implications
- 2009-07-06 [EJ-09-1]Water Management Institutional Reform: A representative Look at Northern China
- 2011-04-01 [EJ-08-22]Evolution of Rural Finance in China: Institutional “Lock in” or Gradualism?
- 2009-07-07 [EJ-08-21]Policy Options for China’s Bio-ethanol Development and the Implications for Its Agricultural Economy