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Professor, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences Deputy Director
Chengfang Liu, Boya Chair Professor at the School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University (PKU). In the meantime, she is also the deputy director and a senior research fellow at the China Center for Agricultural Policy in PKU. She holds a Ph.D in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis. Her research interests include Development Economics and Applied Microeconometrics, with focus on human capital, public services and rural transformation. She has published more than 120 papers in academic journals, including Journal of Development Economics and Journal of Labor Economics. In recognition of her work, Dr. Liu won The China National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scientists (Guojia Jieqing) in 2019, one of the highest academic honors that can be bestowed on a young scholar in China. She serves as the chair of the China Section of Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (2019-2021).