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Dr. Chengfang Liu Participated and Presented in the APEC Women and Economy Forum in Russia
Release date:2012/8/1 Source: ccap
During 28th-30th of June, 2012, Dr. Chengfang Liu, an associated professor at CCAP, accompanied Madam Xiuyan Song, vice-president of the All-China Women's Federation and deputy director of the National Working Committee on Children and Women, to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women and the Economy Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia. The forum, entitled Women and Innovative Economic Growth, included a number of important events: a meeting of the APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE, an APEC working body on gender issues); a Public-Private Dialogue on issues related to women and the economy, including panel discussions on several priority areas; and a plenary meeting of the High Level Policy Dialogue, chaired by Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko. More than 300 participants from 21 member economies of APEC attended the meeting. During the meeting, Dr. Chengfang Liu actively joined the discussion and exchanged her opinions on the contribution of the Chinese women to China’s growth as an innovation-oriented economy.