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Professor Linxiu Zhang in the Female Scientist Study Tour organized by WCW-CAS
Release date:2012/8/1 Source: ccap
During May 11-15, 2012, Professor Linxiu Zhang, deputy director of CCAP, participated in the female scientist study tour organized by the Working Committee on Women of Chinese Academy of Sciences (WCW-CAS), to Sichuan province.The study tour, led by Madam Xiuqin Wang, director of the WCW-CAS, included a number of important activities: meeting with students and staff at the Sichuan University, a visit to rural primary schools in Gansi prefecture. During the school visit, delegates were briefed about the science education of students. Moreover, delegates exchanged their views on potential collaborations with teachers, especially on the topic of how to improve science education among primary school students in poor, rural areas.