China Agricultural Policy Research Center, Peking University China Agricultural Policy Research Center, Peking University

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Evaluation survey of the NIH project completed
    Having finished the “Paying for Performance” intervention in 300 rural primary schools in the northwestern part of China, the Rural Education Action Project (REAP) research team at CCAP begin to carry out the evaluation survey in June 2012. The “Paying for Performance” project, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), aims to evaluate whether student anemia can be reduced by giving principals an incentive.

    After nearly two months of careful preparation, the research team developed and pre-tested the survey instruments, and trained nearly 200 enumerators. The survey team interviewed about 20,000 four-five grade students, teachers and principals in 300 schools. The survey collected detailed information on teachers’ performance evaluation system, student academic performance, health and nutrition intake, etc.

    By now the evaluation survey has completed successfully. Data entry and analysis are in progress. Through this project, REAP aims to provide policy makers and educators with clear (easily understood/transparent), science-based, results/findings that can help shape successful policies/interventions to improve the health and educational performance of students in poor rural areas in China.