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Professor Linxiu Zhang Gave a Talk at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru
Release date:2012/9/7 Source: ccap
Professor Linxiu Zhang, deputy director of CCAP-CAS, gave a talk at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru on August 16, 2012 under the invitation of Dr. Alejandro Bussalleu, vice Rector in charge of the University. Prof. Zhang’s talk, entitled "China's Development Challenges in Education and Health Care: the Link between Research and Policy Making" was well received by more than 30 participants from the University and the Peruvian Network for Asia-Pacific Studies. Professor Zhang discussed the challenges of China’s economic development, especially those related to the effective delivery of education and health care in rural communities. She also shared some experiences that her team has accumulated in conducting impact evaluation and policy advocacy in these areas.Immediately after the conference, Vice Rector Bussalleu sent Professor Zhang a special letter of thanks on behalf of the teachers and students of the University for her outstanding and thought- provoking talk. He also expressed their great interest to set up a broad relationship with CCAP in order to establish a collaborative work in the future.