China Agricultural Policy Research Center, Peking University China Agricultural Policy Research Center, Peking University

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New SSCI Paper《The Effects of Well Management and the Nature of the Aquifer on Groundwater Resources》
The Effects of Well Management and the Nature of the Aquifer on Groundwater Resources

Authors: Qiuqiong Huang, Jinxia Wang, Scott Rozelle, Stephen Polasky, Yang Liu

We compare groundwater use under collective well management where village leaders allocate water among households and under well private management where farmers either pump from their own wells or buy water from wells owned by other farmers. Villages are divided into connected and isolated ones, depending on whether there are lateral groundwater flows between aquifers underlying a village and neighboring ones. In rural China, households under collective well management use less water. Even under collective management, households located in connected villages use more water, indicating that the connectedness of the aquifers may undermine leaders’ incentive to conserve water.

Keywords: community-based management; connected village; isolated village; collective well management; private well management

Download file:ajae.aas076.full.pdf
  • ajae.aas076.full.pdf