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The publication of “Small-scale Farmers in China in the Face of Modernisation and Globalisation”
Release date:2012/8/2 Source: ccap
The book “Small-scale Farmers in China in the Face of Modernisation and Globalisation” coauthored by Jikun, Huang, Xiaobing, Wang, and Huanguang, Qiu has been published recently by IIED/HIVOS, London/The Hague (ISBN:978-1-84369-869-2).China’s agricultural sector has changed dramatically since the late 1970s. It grew at about 5 per cent annually in the past three decades. While significant growth has occurred in almost all cropping sectors, the production of some crops has grown more rapidly (NSBC, 2011a). However, the nation’s rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and globalisation have been accompanied by rising pressures of inflation, national food insecurity and environmental degradation.
1. How is modernisation and globalisation in Chinese agriculture and the wider national economy being experienced and dealt with at the farm level?
2. Who is migrating, and who is staying on the farm?
3. Are small-scale farmers benefiting from policies or public and private institutional arrangements that empower them to enter and stay in markets, to upgrade or add value, to deal with different customer markets, or to consolidate land?
4. Do they have better possibilities for improving or exercising their individual and collective agency and to make better-informed choices about the markets in which they operate?
5. What are their attitudes to collective action, especially in the market, and how do these differ in the younger generation?