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Dr. Chengfang Liu Invited to the APEC Women and Economy Forum in Beijing
Release date:2014/6/6 Source: ccap
During May 22-23, 2014, Dr. Chengfang Liu, an associated professor at CCAP, was invited to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women and the Economy Forum in Beijing. More than 300 participants from the member economies of APEC attended the meeting. At the workshop entitled Women and Smart Technology, Dr. Chengfang Liu shared research findings from a series of randomized controlled trials (RCT)conducted by her team at the Rural Education Action Program (REAP), for children at the elementary school level, a window of opportunity in building up human capital, computer assisted learning (CAL) can be an effective means to improve the learning and educational experiences of children in China’s poor, rural, migrant and minority communities.