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CATSEI Final Briefing to DG AGRI of European Commission

Brussels, February 21st, 2011

After two relatively calm years, world food prices have started rising again, following natural disasters and less favorable crops in various parts of the world. Since a few years, the cycles have become quite short, under a gradual shift to conditions of increased scarcity and volatility. With rising energy prices and mounting demand for animal feed, the competition between food, feed and fuel will only become stronger, presenting farmers with critical choices as to how to allocate land, labor, fertilizer and other inputs, and presenting policy makers with the question of how to protect the resource base and how to adapt their development strategies to changed and increasingly variable terms of trade.

China is of course a key player in this respect. Its agriculture is facing major challenges such as adjusting to trade liberalization and high energy prices, reducing income disparity between rural and urban areas, and supplying cities with sufficient livestock products while at the same time trying to limit environmental damage. These are precisely the issues that have been studied since 2007 in the CATSEI-project (Chinese Agricultural Transition: Trade, Social and Environmental Impacts), with special reference to the interconnection between China and the EU. The project was funded under the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission.

The final briefing of the project team to DG AGRI reviewed these issues and reported on results obtained by this project. It provided a comprehensive picture of China’s agricultural economy, looking both backward and forward, until 2030, focusing on the findings under the three specific thematic areas of the project.

The meeting was hold at Rue de la Loi 102, room 00-25, the DG AGRI of European Commission on February 21st, 2011. Prof. Michiel Keyzer, Drs. Wim van Veen from Center for World Food Studies, VU University of Amsterdam, and Dr. Huanguang Qiu from Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences have presented the major findings of CATSEI project on this meeting. About twenty officials and experts from EU Commission attended this meeting. The presentations by the CATSEI-partners were followed by lively discussions in which several participants expressed the usefulness of continuing cooperative work along these lines.

The program of this meeting can be found here.     ProgramEUFeb21.doc
The presentations by Prof. Keyzer, Dr. Qiu, and Drs. Van Veen can be downloaded here.
Overview of China   Agricultural_Development_and_Policy_21_Feb_2011.ppt
CATSEI_Brussels_2011_prospects 2030.ppt