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Prof. ZHANG Linxiu Won TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize in Social Sciences for 2013
Release date:2013/10/10 Source: ccap
At the Academy's 24th General Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 30 September 2013, TWAS announced the winners of the TWAS Prizes for 2013.TWAS Prizes were awarded in nine fields: Agricultural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Physics, and Social Sciences (TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize). This year, there are 14 prize winners from Brazil (2), China (4), India (3), Jordan (1), Taiwan, China (3) and Turkey (1). The prize winners include 3 women.
Dr. ZHANG Linxiu, Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, won the 2013 TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize in Social Sciences. She is recognized for her policy-relevant studies on rural development in China.
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