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Central News
- 2010-03-16 REAP on the Stanford Magazine Cover
- 2010-03-16 REAP on the Stanford Magazine Cover
- 2009-08-18 CCAP and KREI signed Memorandum of Understanding in Beijing on August 17,2009
- 2009-08-18 CCAP and KREI signed Memorandum of Understanding in Beijing on August 17,2009
- 2009-07-15 Forward: Call for Expressions of Interest——Think Tank Initiative
- 2009-07-15 Forward: Call for Expressions of Interest——Think Tank Initiative
- 2009-06-09 New Paper《Agricultural extension system reform and agent time allocation in China》
- 2009-06-09 New Paper《Agricultural extension system reform and agent time allocation in China》
- 2009-06-04 Forward:Job Opening: Principal Scientist - Economist,CGIAR,Hyderabad India
- 2009-06-04 Forward:Job Opening: Principal Scientist - Economist,CGIAR,Hyderabad India
- 2009-05-15 New Paper《Moving off the farm and intensifying agricultural production in Shandong:a case study of rural labor market linkages in China》
- 2009-05-15 New Paper《Moving off the farm and intensifying agricultural production in Shandong:a case study of rural labor market linkages in China》
- 2009-05-07 Workshop on" The Development of agriculture、rural areas and farmers, Resources Management and Gender" was hold in Beijing on April 29,2009
- 2009-05-07 New Paper《The impact of climate change on China’s agriculture》
- 2009-05-07 New Paper《Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: Is Quality Being Compromised during Quantity Expansion?》
- 2009-05-07 New Paper《Reforming intellectual property rights and the Bt cotton seed industry in China:Who benefits from policy reform?》
- 2009-05-07 New Paper《Reforming intellectual property rights and the Bt cotton seed industry in China:Who benefits from policy reform?》
- 2009-05-07 New Paper《Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: Is Quality Being Compromised during Quantity Expansion?》
- 2009-05-07 New Paper《The impact of climate change on China’s agriculture》
- 2009-05-07 Workshop on" The Development of agriculture、rural areas and farmers, Resources Management and Gender" was hold in Beijing on April 29,2009