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Central News
- 2014-03-31 Dr. Jikun Huang to Outline China’s Grain Policy and Its Global Impact at Borlaug Summit on Wheat for Food Security
- 2014-03-18 Call for nominations_TWAS-Celso Furtado 2014 Prize in Social Sciences
- 2014-03-18 Call for nominations_TWAS-Celso Furtado 2014 Prize in Social Sciences
- 2014-01-03 New SCI Paper《Policy Support, Social Capital, and Farmers’ Adaptation to Drought in China》
- 2014-01-03 New SCI Paper《Policy Support, Social Capital, and Farmers’ Adaptation to Drought in China》
- 2013-12-26 One New Important Journal: Water Economics and Policy
- 2013-12-26 One New Important Journal: Water Economics and Policy
- 2013-12-18 New SCI Paper《Effects of land use and insecticides on natural enemies of aphids in cotton: First evidence from smallholder agriculture in the North China Plain》
- 2013-12-18 New SCI Paper《Effects of land use and insecticides on natural enemies of aphids in cotton: First evidence from smallholder agriculture in the North China Plain》
- 2013-12-17 Dr.Luping Li attended the Chinese Fisheries Economics Journal broad meeting and Chinese Fisheries Economists Forum
- 2013-12-17 Dr.Luping Li attended the HarvestPlus-China Workshop"Nutrient Crops, Healthy Life"
- 2013-12-17 Dr.Luping Li attended the Chinese Fisheries Economics Journal broad meeting and Chinese Fisheries Economists Forum
- 2013-12-17 Dr.Luping Li attended the HarvestPlus-China Workshop"Nutrient Crops, Healthy Life"
- 2013-12-10 Director Jikun Huang Invited to the Unveiling Ceremony of Four Research Centers at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2013-12-10 Director Jikun Huang Invited to the Unveiling Ceremony of Four Research Centers at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2013-12-04 IDRC Roundtable Meeting was successfully held in Beijing
- 2013-12-04 IDRC Roundtable Meeting was successfully held in Beijing
- 2013-11-22 New SCI Paper《Domestic Solid Waste Discharge and Its Determinants in Rural China》
- 2013-11-22 Professor Linxiu Zhang interviewed by CCTV-News Dialogue about China’s Plenum to Drive Urbanization
- 2013-11-22 New SCI Paper《Domestic Solid Waste Discharge and Its Determinants in Rural China》