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Chinese Papers
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-15]The Difference of Development Modes of Shandong and Shaanxi Apple Industry: A Persective of Path Dependance
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-14]Nitrogen and Phosphorus Emission Control in Jiangxi Province Based on Social Accounting Matrix
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-13]The Impact of Warehouse Condition and Liquidity Constraint on Farmers’ Grain Selling Activities
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-12]Emissions Characteristics, Treatment Situation and Management of Rural Domestic Waste
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-11]Potential and Determinants of Jatropha Curcas as Feedstocks for Biodiesel in Southwest China
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-10]Study on the Adoption and Determinants of Agriucltural Water Saving Technologies
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-9]Analyzing the disease burden of iron deficiency anemia of Chinese residents in 2008
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-8]An Analysis of the Influence of Exterior Shock on the Employment of Migrant Workers in the Impoverished Rural Areas
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-7]Farmers’ Households’ Different Long-term Investments in Different Types of Rental Cultivated Land in China
- 2012-09-29 [CJ-11-6]An Analysis of the Impacts of Farmer Field School on Trained Farmers’ Households’ Input and Output of Greenhouse Tomato Production
- 2018-01-18 [CJ-11-5]Road Infrastructure Consturction and Non-Agricultural Employment ot Rural Labor-Based on a Survey of 2000 Households in 5 Provinces
- 2015-02-11 [CJ-11-4]Pactors Influencing Rural –urban Migrants’ Occupation Choice, Settlement and Family Accompanying
- 2011-04-02 [CJ-11-3] Is Social Trust a Prerequisite for the Emerging, Exit and Development of Farmer Professional Cooperatives? —Evidence from the Development of Farmer Professional Cooperatives in China
- 2011-04-02 [CJ-11-2]Direct Subsidies for Grain and Comprehensive Subsidies for Agrucultural Production Material and their Impact on Agricultural Procduction
- 2011-04-02 [CJ-11-1]A Survey on Farmer’s Understanding of and Benefits from New Cooperative Medical Scheme
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-10-40] Natural Refuge for Cotton bollworm , Buildup of Resistance, and Zero-refuge Strategy for Bt Cotton in China
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-10-39] Curse on resources and Chinese elements: evidences from 135 developing countries
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-10-38] Environmental Pollution in Rural China and Its Driving Forces
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-10-37] The Performance of Left-behind Children in Rural China- base on the Survey in Sha'anxi and Ningxia
- 2011-04-02 [CJ-10-36]Carese and Trends of Forestry Area Change in Northeast China