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Chinese Papers
- 2011-04-02 [CJ-10-15]China’s Seed Industry: Achievement, Problems and Development Strategies
- 2010-10-20 [CJ-10-14]The Wealth and Time Effects on Household Decisions for Dining Out: An Empirical Analysis on Food Consumption in Beijing
- 2010-08-12 [CJ-10-13]An Analysis of the Economic Feasibility of Planting Jatropha Curcas as Raw Material for Forestry Bio-Diesel
- 2010-08-12 [CJ-10-12]Analysis on the Growng Mode of Feed Processing Enterprises: Based on the Invstigation of Feed Company in Northeast China
- 2010-07-19 [CJ-10-11]Impacts of Conservation Tillage on Agriculture: Empirical Research in the Yellow River Basin
- 2010-06-24 [CJ-10-10]A Research into the Frontier Prblems on Agricultural Economy and Policy from the Perspective of Supply and Demand of Agricultural Products
- 2010-05-24 [CJ-10-9]The Service Function of Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives in China, and the Influencing Factors thereof
- 2010-05-24 [CJ-10-8]Household Away from Home Consumption for Aquatic Products in Uerban Beijing
- 2010-05-04 [CJ-10-7] A Decade of Bt Cotton in Farmer Fields in China: Assessing the Direct Effects and Indirect Externalities of Bt Cotton Adoption in China
- 2010-03-06 [CJ-10-6]Analysis on the Impementation, Mechanisms and Effects of 2008/2009 National Corn Provisional Reserve Policy
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-10-5]Cost Effectiveness, Policy Mechanism and Sustainable Development of Ecological Restoration: Evaluation on Ecological Protection & Construction Projects and Policy in China from a Holistic Perspective
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-10-4]The Relationship between Fruit Retail Market and the Traditional Wholesaler Merket: A Case Study in Shandong
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-10-3]A Multi- objective Decision Model of Farmers’ Crop Production
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-10-2]Simulation of the Changes of Soil Organic Carbon Stock of Cropland in China
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-10-1]Sixty Years of China’s Agricultural Development and Three Decades of the Reform Miracle: Institutional Innovation, Technological Advancement and Market Reforms
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-09-43] Transfer and transaction of land development rights under the lead of land-for-construction plan
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-09-42] Methodological development in the study of LUCC spatiotemporal processes
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-09-41] The reform of household registration and land system are two important aspects: a response to xu's contention
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-09-40] Analysis on the Elder’s Health Conditions in Rural China
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-09-39] Migration of the Parents and the School Achievement of the Rural Students:Evidence from Shaanxi and Ningxia