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Chinese Papers
- 2010-02-04 [CJ-09-18]The Impact of New Technology Adoption on Farmers’ Attitude towards Production Development
- 2010-02-04 [CJ-09-17] The Status Quo of Township Health Center and Its Functions in New Cooperative Medical System
- 2009-06-25 [CJ-09-16]Commercial Reform in China’s Seed Industry: Perspective from Cotton Seed Market and Farmers’ Market Participation
- 2009-06-25 [CJ-09-15]The Impacts of Price Fluctuation of Energy and Grain on the Relation between Urban and Rural Economy
- 2009-06-25 [CJ-09-14]Empirical Analysis of grass-Roots Government Funcition in Rural Areas
- 2009-06-25 [CJ-09-13]Impacts of Farmers’ Organizations on Village Public Finance: Negative or Positive? A Case of Rural Tax Reform
- 2009-05-21 [CJ-09-12]Impact of Groundwater Irrigation Service Market on Agricultural Water Use Productivity
- 2009-05-21 [CJ-09-11]Adverse Selection and Its Impact on the Financial Sustainability of New Cooperative Medical System
- 2009-05-21 [CJ-09-10]The Adoption of Conservation Agricultural Technology in the Yellow River Basin: Empirical Research on the Influential Factors
- 2009-05-21 [CJ-09-9]Empirical Analysis of Major Determinants of Farmers’ Fruit marketing Channels
- 2009-05-21 [CJ-09-8]Biodiesel Development: Current Status, Potential Impacts and perspectives
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-09-7]Bio-ethanol Development: Current status, Potential Impacts and Policy Suggestions for China
- 2009-04-23 [CJ-09-6]The Development of Bio-fuel Ethanol and Impact Analysis on the Recent Food Price Rising
- 2009-03-09 [CJ-09-5]30 Years’ Development and Reform for the Grass- roots Agricultural Technology Extension System: Policy Assessments and Recommendations
- 2009-03-09 [CJ-09-4]Water Scarcity in the Rural Areas: Status, trend and Its Impacts on Cropping Structure
- 2009-03-09 [CJ-09-3]Impacts of Bioethanol Development on China’s Regional Agricultural Development
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-09-2]The Great Ups and Downs of Grain Prices of this Round: the Main Reasons and the Future Trend
- 2009-03-09 [CJ-09-1] The Empirical Analysis of Early Childhood Education of Poor Rural China
- 2015-02-11 [CJ-13-38]FDI, Technology Spill FDI and Environment in Host Countries
- 2010-03-30 [CJ-08-37] Model Assessment for the Effects of Carbon Sequestration Management Policies in Cropland