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Chinese Papers
- 2010-02-08 [CJ-03-7]Soil Fertility Changes of Cultivated Land in Eastern China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-03-6]Analysis on Burden of Farmers, Government Regulation and Fiscal System Reform
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-03-5]Rural Taxation Reform of China: Studies in the Political Economics
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-03-4]Farmers’ Demand for Paid Services Provided by Agricultural Extension Organizations: With Cotton Production as Example
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-03-3]Structure of Chinese Rural Development in the Future
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-03-2]China’s Agricultural Developments and Outlook
- 2010-02-08 [CJ-03-1]Impact of Scoio-economic Factors on Soil Fertility Over Time
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-21]The Consideration of the Impact of Entry into WTO upon China’s Agriculture: Taker from the Aspect of the Defree of Protecting Produce prices and market integration
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-20]Analysis of factors affecting the development of crop varieties bred by mutation method in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-19]Genetic Uniformity and Its Impacts on Wheat Yield in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-18]Agricultural Structure Changes and Public Investment in Agricultural Research in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-17] Growth and Poverty Effects of Government Spending in Rural China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-16]Policy Choose on Modern Agricultural Biotechnology R&D
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-15]Reassess the Impact of China’s Entry into WTO on Its Agriculture
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-14]Policies on China's Agricultural Integrated Development after Its WTO Accession
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-13]Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnology on China’s Economy and Global Trade
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-12]The Role of Public Investments on Sustainable Development of China Agriculture: A Case of Jiangsu Province
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-11]Enlightenment of Experience of Foreign Water Right Trade
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-10]The Impacts of Bt Cotton on Pesticide Use in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-02-9] Establishing New Policy Decision-making and Insurance System