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Chinese Papers
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-16-16] Adoption and Uptake Pathway of Bt Cotton by Chinese Smallholders
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-16-15] Farmers’ Risk and Pooling Risk Preferences
- 2018-01-30 [CJ-16-14] Study on the Mechanization and Mechanical Labor Force’s Substitution Effect of Maize Production: Analysis Based on the Provincial Panel Data
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-13] Perception of Extreme Drought Events by Farmers with Different Income and Adaptation Measures Taken by Them: Based on A Large-scale Farm Household Survey in 9 Provinces in China
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-12] Prevalence of poor vision and its influencing factors among rural primary school students in western China
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-11] The Dynamics of Poverty: Evidences from Hazard Analysis
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-10] Study on the Effect of Farm Households’Specialization on Low-carbonAgriculture: Evidence from Vegetable Growers in Beijing, China
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-9] The Situation of Rural Solid Waste Management and Determination:Empirical Analysis Based on Field Surveys of 101 Villages in 5 Provinces
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-8] The relevance of farm scale, labor inputs and technical efficiency
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-7] Investment, Research & Development Capacity, and Progress in China’s Agricultural GM Technology
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-6] R &D Ability,Existing Problems and Reform ecommendations of China’s Agricultural Biotechnology
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-5] The adaptive irrigation behavior of farmers and impacts on yield during extreme drought events in the North China Plain
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-4] Extreme Drought Events, Farm Field Management Adaptation and Production Risk: A Empirical Study Based on Households in North China Plain
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-3] Sino-Africa Agriculutral Products Trade: Current Sotiation and Empirical Analysis of its Influencing Factors
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-2] “One Project, One Discussion” and the Decision- Making in Rural Public Investment and Villagers’ Participation: Evidence from a Nationwide Village-Specific Panel Data
- 2018-01-29 [CJ-16-1] The persistence of Poverty and Its Determinants: Evidence Under the Absolute and Relative Poverty Line
- 2016-02-15 [CJ-15-20]Residential Energy Consumption in Rural China: Current Situation and Determinants for Future Trend- An Empirical Study Based on Filed Survey Data of 4Provinces
- 2016-02-15 [CJ-15-19] Maize Markets at Home and Abroad in 2014 and Their Prospects in 2015
- 2016-02-15 [CJ-15-18]Agricultural Development Strategy in the U.S. and Its Implications
- 2016-02-15 [CJ-15-17]Analysis of Impacts of Trade Facilitation on China’s Economy