JIA 专题 | 加速亚洲发展中国家农村经济转型
发布日期:2023/12/23 来源: JIA
Special Focus: Accelerating Rural Transformation in Asian Developing Countries
借此机会,很高兴受Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA)期刊翁凌云编辑的邀请,与澳大利亚国立大学克劳福德公共政策学院Christopher FINDLAY教授、陈春来教授和王冬博士后,携手JIA共同组织策划“加速亚洲发展中国家农村经济转型研究”专题。本次专题非常荣幸邀请到北京大学、澳大利亚国立大学、澳大利亚西澳大学、巴基斯坦发展经济研究所、印度尼西亚国家研究创新所等相关领域的专家,就亚洲发展中国家的农村经济转型问题开展研究,探索农村经济转型的共性规律和政策影响,并提出制度(institutions)、政策(policies)和投资(investments)(或IPIs)对农村经济转型速度与效果的驱动作用,为未来更深入开展农村经济转型的路径和政策研究工作提供参考,促进快速和包容的农村经济转型。
✺ HUANG Ji-kun, Dong WANG, Christopher FINDLAY, Chunlai CHEN
✺ Dong WANG, Chunlai CHEN, Christopher FINDLAY
✺ SHI Peng-fei, HUANG Ji-kun
Increasing rural household income and reducing poverty rank among Indonesia’s top development priorities. Promoting rural transformation is one strategic policy framework to achieve these goals. In the last three decades, agricultural production has shifted from low-value food crops to high-value commodities, such as horticulture, estate crops, and livestock. Previous studies have analyzed rural transformation in Indonesia at the national level, but information on the magnitudes of impact across regions remains scarce. This study aims to analyze the changes in rural transformation at a regional level in the past two decades. The research utilizes secondary data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), covering 34 provinces from 2000 to 2020, analyzed using descriptive and panel data regression analyses. The results show an increasing trend in the share of high-value agriculture (RT1) and rural non-farm employment (RT2). Both RT1 and RT2 are positively associated with the growth of rural household income and a lower poverty rate. However, the speed of structural transformation (ST), RT1, RT2, rural income growth, and poverty reduction vary across regions. This research implies that improving rural income and reducing poverty should be done by integrating policies, i.e., promoting highvalue agriculture and expanding rural non-farm employment. Particular attention should also be given to provinces with slow growth in ST, RT1, RT2, and rural household income.
Sustainable income growth and poverty reduction remain critical challenges at the forefront of research in Pakistan, particularly in rural areas. To overcome these challenges, the role of rural transformation (RT) has emerged and gained importance in recent years. The present study is based on district-level data and covers the period from 1981 to 2019. The study attempts to quantify the role of rural transformation in boosting rural per capita income and alleviating rural poverty in the country. The study also aims to explore the impact of stages of rural transformation on rural per capita income and rural poverty alleviation. The empirical findings reveal that rural transformation (RT1 and RT2) is essential in enhancing rural per capita income and alleviating rural poverty. The role of the share of high-value crops (RT1) is more pronounced than the share of non-farm employment (RT2) in boosting rural per capita income and poverty alleviation. The trend of larger contribution of RT1 to enhance rural per capita income also continued at 2nd stage of rural transformation. In the case of poverty reduction, at 3rd stage of rural transformation, the role of RT2 is dominant. Our results indicate that districts at higher stages of rural transformation (both RT1 and RT2) tend to correlate positively with increased rural per capita income and reduced poverty rates, suggesting that progress in rural transformation is associated with improved economic conditions. However, it is important to note that this correlation does not necessarily imply a direct causal relationship between rural transformation and these economic outcomes; other factors may have influenced this relationship. In addition, the welfare impacts are more noticeable among the districts where a simultaneous shift from grain crops to cash crops and from farm employment to non-farm employment is observed. The study provides baseline information to learn experiences from fast-growing districts and to replicate the strategies in other districts, which boosts the RT process that may increase rural per capita income and enhance poverty reduction efforts.
Rural transformation can improve poverty reduction, living standards, and health outcomes in developing countries. However, impacts associated with rural transformation vary by region, household, and individual trait (including gender). While research on rural transformation has been increasing over the last decade, there has been no comprehensive review conducted on the relationships between gender and rural transformation. Here, we conduct a systematic literature review to investigate the impacts of rural transformation on gender and the influence of gender inclusiveness on rural transformation. We reviewed 82 studies from 1960–2021 that explore the relationships between rural transformation and gender. We then developed a framework that captures incidences and flow directions between indicators. Results show that most studies examined the impacts of rural transformation on women and between gender indicators. Few investigated the role of women and the influence of gender inclusiveness on rural transformation. Overall, studies showed that rural transformation typically leads to positive outcomes for women regarding employment, income, and empowerment. However, negative impacts on women’s control over income, stability of new income sources, and access to healthy food are also common. Tailoring future development policies and programs to explicitly account for gender inclusiveness can lead to more successful rural transformation.
Prof. HUANG Ji-kun
Executive Editor-in-Chief of JIA
China Center for Agricultural Policy, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Dong WANG
Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Australia
E-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Christopher FINDLAY
Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Australia
E-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Chunlai CHEN
Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Australia
E-mail: [email protected]