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Chinese Papers
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-06-5]The Change of Agricultural Production Retail Market in China Urban Area and It’s influences on farmers
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-06-4]Awareness,Acceptance and Willingness to Buy Genetically Modified Foods in Urban China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-06-3]Analysis on influencing factors of land use change in three typical areas of western China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-06-2]Impacts of Plant Breeders Rights on Rice Seed Prices and Variety Adoption In China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-06-1]China’s Growing Up, the Security of Food and Energy, and World Economic Development
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-34] The Changes and Decomposition of China’s Agriculture Productivity
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-33] Urbanization, Rural Land System and Migrant's Social Security
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-32]Examination of the Choice Cognizance for Participants in Green for Grain Project from Economic Perspective
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-31]The Economic Impact of Free Trade Area Between China and Australia
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-30]The Economic Impacts and policy implications of Phasing out MFA and Possible Following Policy Arrangements
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-29]Resrarch on Determinant Factors in Residential Water Demand
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-28]Water Management Reform, Agricultural Production, and Poverty Reduction
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-27]Genetic Uniformity, Variety Uniformity, and them Effects on China’s Maize Production
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-26]The Investments in Public Goods and the Regional Distribution in Rural China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-25]An Economic Thinking about Chinese New Agricultural Technology Reform
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-24]Design of A Distributed Data Acquisition and Spatial Decision Making System for Precision Agriculture
- 2010-02-08 [CJ-05-23]An Analysis on the Determinants of Public Good Investment in China’s Rural Communities
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-22]The Impacts of US and CGIAR’s Germplasm on Maize Production in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-21]Simulation of Solar Radiation on Ground Surfaces Based on 1 km Gird-Cells
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-20]View on the Justice of China’s Rural Land Adjusting from the Sex Angle