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Chinese Papers
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-19]Estimation of Technica Efficiency of Dairy Production of Farmers’ Households and the Causal Factors
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-18]Farmers’ Intention to Participate Scientific Research and Its Determinants
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-17]Estimation Model and Application of the Amount of Eco-water Demand: A Case Study on Keriya River Basin
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-16]Factors to Affect the Consumers’ Recognitio of the Labeling Policy on GMO Products
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-15]China’s Rural Economy and the Path to a Modern Industrial State
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-14]A Study on the Relationship Between Regional Infrastructure Development and Urban-Rural Interaction in Anking
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-13]Review of Economic Research on Genetically Modified Crops
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-12]Credit of Farm Households in China: Its Characteristics and Affecting Factors
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-11]Trade Liberalization and Chinese Agriculture, Poverty and Equality
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-10]Development and Determinants of Groundwater Markets: Case Study in North China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-9]Agricultural Techlonogy Extension and Farmers’ Modification of New Technology: Study on Influence Factors in Farmers’ Participating in Technologies Training and Their Willingness to Adopt
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-8]An Analysis of Efficiency of China’s Timber Markets through the Test of Market Integration
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-7]Labor Market Development, Land Tenure Reform and Deforestation in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-6]Application for Protection of New Plant Variety in China and the Determinant Factors
- 2010-02-08 [CJ-05-5]Change of Cultivated Land and Its Impacts on Agricultural Bio-productivity in China: Implications to National Grain Security
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-4]A New Round of Trade Liberalization, China’s Agriculture, Poverty and Environment
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-3]Application of Intelligent IC Card System in Electromechanical well Irrigation and Its Effect
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-2]Impacts of Genetic Uniformity on Maize Production in China
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-05-1]The Impacts of Global Trade Liberalization on China and World Economy
- 2009-03-07 [CJ-04-30]Comparation of Various Water Allocation System